Counting the website visits using the api

Current Count: 0

This site is hosted in azure static web apps using Github actions and for the backend its using azure functions using javascript and azure cosmosDB for the database where the count is stored.


Love everything about how things come to be in cloud. Although can be complex i find a little beauty in that and try to make myself better at understanding concepts with each project i do

Experience 3 year

Komfort PL

Strykow, Lodz, Poland

01-05-2018 to 4-07-2019

Junior IT Support staff

My resonsibilties included onboarding of new employees in IT system and providing continous IT support to Emloyees working

Udemy inc, USA

November-2022 - May-2024


I made several lesson and practice test for cloud and security exams on Udemy. I like teaching because it compels me to learn as well which is amazing.


CyberMSI inc, USA

August-2024 - Nov-2024

SOC Team

Working as Security analyst responding to security incidents everyday(Part -time)


TechXtramile, Illinos, USA

Jan-2024 - Currently

IT admin

IT operations(Part time)

Project Completed

Cloud resume challange

Azure Functions, Azure static site, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure CDN

One is best challanges for a beginner cloud engineer in my opinion, although i did it after i even got the Azure expert Solutions Architect certification but totally worth it

Certifications Done (clickable links)

Real time monitoring of this resume site showing the amount of spikes per hour and the location from where the site is accessed shown as dashboard using KQL queries

Trulli Check out github repo for the frontend

Github actions running


Signed commits using RSA 4092 bits key for extra security, new commits will have verified written next to them


Adding new features soon.

Check out github repo for the Sentinel Project